Business Performance Analysis


What’s in a budget?

You set a budget for you businesses… okay now what?

How did your business measure up to the goals you set?

Did you meet your goals, if not, why not?

Let me help you answer these questions and find solutions to improve and meet your goals in the future through Budget Analysis and Accounting!

Performance Analysis

Your businesses performance is probably the most important piece of information you need to know…

Do you know how your business performed last month?

How about last year?

Did you make a profit?

If these are questions that you can’t answer, most likely there is a 99.9% chance you are throwing away money and a lot of it!

By performing a full business performance analysis of your operations, together we can identify areas that could be improved or that are being completely overlooked. Thus increasing profitability.

Take a look at the link below for some sample Ratio Analysis reports that could really make a difference!

Here at Edge Tax & Accounting we love helping small business, we can help with all of your accounting needs! We do budget analysis, ratio analysis and business performance analysis. Contact us for more information.